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Electrolytic solution in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2023-04-14Updated:2023-04-14
Similar words: electrolyticelectrolytic zincelectrolytic cellelectrolytic processelectrolytic capacitorpolyelectrolytegraphic solutionelectrolyte
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1. Supercritical aqueous fluids are very different from electrolytic solution at ambition conditions and will have a large effect on how water dissolves minerals and transport metals and complexes.
2. The main object is to provide an electrolytic solution for an electrochemical device, which has a wide potential window.
3. Because the work substance is electrolytic solution, which is compatible with chemical solution, MHD micropump can be used for delivery of biochemical medicine and flow injection.
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4. Electrolytic solution shows a circular motion when electric current flowed in a magnetic field through a electrolytic cell.
5. Free-standing diamond grain-nickel composite films were deposited by electrotyping method at the condition of low internal stress electrolytic solution, with pH value of 3.
6. At least one of the cathode, the anode, the separator, and the electrolytic solution contains a sulfone compound having an acid anhydride group and a sulfonyl group.
7. The battery includes a cathode and an anode oppositely arranged with a separator in between, and an electrolytic solution.
8. Thiourea-fluoride spectrophotometric method is adopted to enhance the determination accuracy of bismuth in electrolytic solution of copper.
9. The upper end-face of the cathode is rough, in favor of improving the storage amount of the electrolytic solution.
10. The application of this method to the determination of cobalt in zinc electrolytic solution showed that the method is simple and rapid, and the results obtained were satisfactory.
11. Vanillin is prepared by electrolytic oxidation of 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymandelic acid which is obtained by reaction of electrolytic solution of oxalic acid and guaiacol.
More similar words: electrolyticelectrolytic zincelectrolytic cellelectrolytic processelectrolytic capacitorpolyelectrolytegraphic solutionelectrolytenonelectrolyteelectrolyte balanceelectrocutionelectrolyzeelectrolyzerelectrolysiselectrolyserelectromagnetic spectrumelectric socketelectrostaticsdirect solutionelectroluminescenceelectrokineticsconflict resolutionelectromagneticselectroacousticselectrostatic inductionparticular solutionelectromagnetic clutchelectromagnetic radiationsolid solutionsolution
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